Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday-Morning : D

Yeeeaaahhhh , sekarang dah pukul 6:22 pagi . Whooaa , pagi-pagi buta dah ONLINE ! Hahaha xD Gila la aku ni . Memang selalu onn time pagi-pagi . Tak tahu kenapa ?! Jangan cakap dekat aku , tidur pukul berapa ? Okay ! Sebab aku tak tidur malam , sentiasa berjaga . By the way , akhir-akhir ni malas nak update blog . Macam terbengkalai pun ada jugak aku tengok .

LITTLE WORD : Entah tetibe je pulak hari ni aku rajin sangat nak update :D

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I'm don't know why , i'm very lazy to update my blog now . WHAT HAPPEN TO ME? Yeahh , everyday i'm online and i'll visit my blog for hear my song ! Grrrrr ! Act , after this i'm didn't online anymore because exam is near . I must open the book ! Must close FACEBOOK :'( That's suck !

Friday, October 1, 2010


OH MY GOD ! Long time i didn't update my blog :( okaay . But now , i'll spend my time with my blog :') Ramai tanya ? *How's your raya ? :)* HAHA , first day raya memang GREAT but masuk je hari kedua , macam biasa je :( Tak banyak sangat dapat duit raya , well orang zaman sekarang memang kedekut . Act nak cakap , sekarang dah jarang online :( "I cakap dulu nanti you cakap i sombong :(" So sekarang ada peluang , update banyak2 , haha . LOVE Y'ALL xxxx

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Now , already 13 :)

Ni gambar aku time kecik comel tau .
Aku tahu , aku tak SECOMEL kau kan ? kan kan ? -,-
So , tak payah BAJET COMEL kt sini ehh .

This pix when i was 2 years old .
Now , already 13 !
So many different . hehe :)

Morn Morn Morn ~ MORNING :D

ngantok already .
tapi mate tak nak katop .
Sumpah , skang aku suke gile2 tengok org punye blog .
Dah laa cantik , tak mcm blog aku .
Hodoh terserlah kan ? kan kan ?
Kadang2 , jeles jugak tengok .
Tak tao cm mane nk buad .
Ish , ish -.-

Friday, September 3, 2010

2 week ?

Oh yeah .
What a happy holiday ?
around 2 week ?
ish , ape la aku ni !
2 week ?
What should i do ?
Aku tak tao nk wt ape .
Dok rumah cm bosan jea .
Hang out ?
Duit tadak !
Dh laa tgh pokai ~ :(
DOOMING : " Keje dh siap , nk buad ape lg ? :( "

Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy National Day :)

Hoorayy :)

Tak sabar nk merdeka kan ? kan kan ?


Woww ,

semangat satu malaysia ,

ehehe ~~

ANYWAY , mao wish kt warge MALAYSIA




GRR , i really really really want this camera .

MOM & DAD , can you buy this thing for me ?




Auww , she is my favourite ACTRESS :)
DEMI LOVATO , i love you

This is me

I've always been the kind girl
That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What i've got to say
But i have this dream
Right inside of me
I'm gonne let to know , it's time
To let you know
To let you know
This is real , this is me
I'm exactly where i'm supposed to be , now
Gonna let the light , shine on me
Now , i've found , who i am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who i want to be
This is me
Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way
This is real , this is me
I'm exactly where i supposed to be now
Gonna let the light , shine on me
Now i've found who i am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who i want to be
This is me
You're the voice i hear inside my head
The reason that i'm singing
I need to find you , i gotta find you
You're the missing piece i need
The song inside of me
I need to find you , i gotta find you
This is real , this is me
I'm exactly where i'm supposed to be now
Gonna let the light , shine on me
Now i've found who i am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who i want to be
This is me
You’re the missing piece
I need the song inside of me ( this is me )
You’re the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I’m singing
Now I’ve found, who I am
There’s no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

LOVE THIS , auww :)

Yeahh .

Now , i really love this thing :)

Try a new things is good for us , right ?

HAHA . ==

Something cute ~,~

~ HEE ~

Here it is , DOMO KUN KUN :D

My second BF , auwww .

HAHA -,-

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I'm a FEMALE bat :)

Since baru pindah rumah baru , aku tak penah tido mlm walaupon seminit !

Time pagi-pagi , baru laa aku tido smpai tengahari .

Seriously , aku tak tao ape penyakit aku yg sbnrnye ?

grrrr =.=

Maybe , i'm addict with internet at night ?

Tak mungkin laa !

time tengahari pon aku nk onn !


DOOMING : " Feel better now ? :) "

New BEGG ~

Yo !

Today , i got a new beg :)

THANKS mom .

i buy it at tropicana life in subang :D

i really love it .

BTW , ramai gilakk org kt sane .

Tempat parking semua penoh mehh .

Finally , we got it :)

Grr , esok mao shopping lg =.=


Mao plan pegi ' EMPIRE ' :)

WOott , WOotts .
DOOMING : " Groogg , lapar lahh == "


Hello , Mello , Bello . . .
Long time , i didn't update my blog .
Busy mehh :)
BTW , cantik tak blog aku punye layouts ?
bagi aku cantik kottss .
tak tao laa korg kan . if , korg ckp aku punye cantik ,,,
Auww , thanks yaww .
Bg yg mane ckp aku punye ni ,
tuu , korg punye pasal laa .
alaa , org dengki slalu ckp cm tuu kan .
~ehehehe ~

DOOMING : " Judge people if u too perfect ! ''

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Way I Are – Timbaland

I ain’t got no money ,
I ain’t got no car to take you on a date
I can’t even buy you flowers
But together we could be the perfect soulmates
Talk to me girl
(Oh) Baby, it’s alright now, you ain’t gotta flaunt for me
If we go dutch you can still touch my love, it’s free
We can work without the perks just you and methug it out ’til we get it right
Baby if you strip, you can get a tip
‘Cause I like you just the way you are
( I’m about to strip and I’m well equiped can you handle me the way I are ? )
I don’t need the G’s or the car keys
Boy I like you just the way you are
Let me see ya strip, you can get a tip
‘Cause I like, I like, I like…
I ain’t got no Visa
I ain’t got no Red American Express
We can’t go nowhere exotic
It don’t matter ’cause I’m the one that loves you best
Talk to me girl
Oh, baby, it’s alright now, you ain’t gotta flaunt for me
If we go dutch, you can still touch my love, it’s free
We can work without the perks just you and me
thug it out ’til we get it right
Baby if you strip, you can get a tip
‘Cause I like you just the way you are
( I’m about to strip and I’m well equipedCan you handle me the way I are ? )
I don’t need the G’s or the car keys
Boy I like you just the way you are
Let me see ya strip, you can get a tip
‘Cause I like you just the way you are
Baby girl, I don’t got a huge ol’ house
I rent a room in a house
Listen baby girl, I ain’t got a motorboat but
I can float ya boat
So listen baby girl, once you get a dose of D.O.E. you gon’ want some mo
’So listen baby girl, when I’m naked I want you there, want you there, yeah .
( oooohh ooh whoahh ! ) ( oooohh ooh whoahh ! )

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hey DUDE :)

I love being friend like you . Aku dah cakap kau FUNNY , KIND , CUTE & ____ . Tapi kau je tak caye . Cuba kau fikir balek TEXT ape yg kau dah antr kat aku semalam ? Now , i wanna reply back , i also love you more than friend . SURELY kau tak caye kan ? kan kan ? It's not joke dude . Seriously , my heart fall with you .

Dooming : '' Your words make me feel guilty :s ''

FLY bird FLY !

Sorry , a little bit crazy tonight
Makan banyak tadi , HAHA :)
Btw , td berbuka kat KOTA PERMAI GOLF & COUNTRY :D
All food delicious yaww , YUMMY , YUMMY -.-
Anyway , skang internet slow gile BABI :(
Dah tak dapat nak upload gambar , GRR

DOOMING : '' Feel wanna kiss someone , HAHA :D ''

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Third day EXAM =.=

Today , i got KHB , PSV and SEJARAH paper . grr , tak bace buku lagi . OMG ! it's 4 o'clock . i still didn't read the book . i'm 100% surely , i can't do the exam today .. HUMHH ==''

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Second day EXAM =,=

Today , wanna make a revision for ENGLISH , SCIENCE & AGAMA . Grr , wish me luck for tomorrow ^^

Sunday, August 15, 2010

LIFE must go on -.-

GRRR ==' , before ak dgn family ak mao pindah kat rumah baru ,,, ak excited + happy glewr naa mampos ! Now , ak naa balek rumah lame ak ! * i miss to live at there ++ i miss to see him everyday :( * i'm only can see him at school * tuu ponn kalaw dapat jumpe dye ! *


Weh bodak taa sedar diri , dah laa kaw tikam ak pastu kaw kutuk ak macam2 plak . cube kaw tengok diri kaw uh , perfect sangat ke ? kaw ingt ak suke tengok prangai kaw cam setan tuu ! lebih drpd bapak setan kott . weh , kaw sedarlah sikit . dah laa parents kaw tuu alim laa katekan , tp ank macam setan . bek kaw taa yah sembahyang tonggang tonggek kalaw hidop kaw naa kutok org je , kaw dengan geng kaw same je . kalaw kaw rase kaw perfect sangat , bagos sangat , mehh laa sini mengadap depan ak . tahu plak kaw takot ! kaw cakap je laa kaw taa suke ak . tak yah naa kutok2 ak kt orang len ! meluat + menyampah laa ak tengok kaw ni . ak naa kutok kaw , ak pikir kaw KAWAN ! tp bile kaw kutok ak ad kaw pikir KAWAN ? taa de kan ? kan kan ? weh , dah laa taa yah naa menambah kan dose kaw yg bertimbon2 tuu lagi . hidop dgn dose sampai bile naa aman !

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First day fasting was great :)

Baru sehari puasa , ak taa rase pape ponn . ye laa , da la ta dtg skolah . ape lg tidow pagi smpai petang . haha . makhroh2 . anyway , hari nii ak ta rase na makan . minum ponn , bole la . tapi tahan je la , na wat ca ne kann . Taa tao laa sok ca ne plak , naa sahur ponn , taa selera laa plak pagi2 bute nii naa makan nasi . 1 way ! ajak parents ak pegi makan cepat A.K.A fast food haha . MCDONALD , HERE I COME :)

Exam Make Me Stress :(

Grrrrr , exam ? I HATE you damn much ! Gahh , i'm HATE to open the book :( but i'm LOVE to open facebook :( surely this exam , i get LOW marks ! and my parents will ANGRY with me . OF COURSE , my father didn't give me to USE INTERNET anymore . I can't online ! What should i do now ? open book now ? NO WAY !!!

Puasa ohh Puasa :)

Waa , sedar ta sedar . dah na puase kan . haishh , nii laa malas na puase . bangon pagi2 bute na sahur plak . bole ke perot ak trime ? haha :) terawih ? grr , 24 *ta pasti sbb ta penah buat abis* rakaat na abih kan , menggigil suda lutot ak , haha :) after fasting , raya . saat nii la ak tunggu2 kan , bkn ape na duit raye :) haha :D

Monday, August 9, 2010

New House Mehh :)

Waa , penatt wokk cuci rumah td :) *rumah baru* . esok ? mao buat kenduri , lg penadd . . lusa ? grr , na angkat brg ! oh no ! lagy penad . . +++ exam ? gahh , taa wat pape ponn revision ! abis ah . . B - ! ++puase ? oh GOD !

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

TICKTuesday ..

Hey you guys . .
TODAY , damn tired oohh at school . .

Penat dlm 'class' + penat balek jalan kaki :( . .

Kawan ( Hidayah ) punye pasal , , terpakse laa ikot an . . .

Humhh , , 'TIME' on the way nk lek uma , , cite2 ahh skit an . .

*untuk hilang rase penat + bosan* . .

Setiap kali bile kteowg lek jln kaki , , mesti cite sal SI DIA . .

FED UP tol ak . .

sampai jerk dpn pintu uma , pew agy masok laa kenn . .

Dalam kol 10 malam gituu , ak gado nan kaka ak . .

Dh 'perang mulut' dh laa . .

Dye punyaa hal , ak plak jadik mangsee . .

Ttibe nk lps an tension dye kt ak pahal . .

Haizzzzz . .

Tak senang ak nk wat keje uma . .

Keje uma dh laa 'berlambak nk mamposs' . .

Skang neh ak dh tak dek 'MOOD' nk wat . .

Lantak laa nk kene mrh nan cikgu . .

Ak dh tak kesa ponn :( . .

MADMonday ..

Hello , Mello , Bello :D

Hari neh , ntg to say about school ..

*cume ak 'enjoy' nengok 'CORAL SPEAKING' time perhimpunan jerkk ..

BALIK ? ? ?

Hari neh ak lek jalan kaki nan HIDAYAH jerkk .. :D

OKEH LAA KOWWT .. 'MOOD ak bek hari nehh .. kuing2'

bab hari neh 'kawan lame ezzatie' A.K.A anjing terlepas @ berkeliaran xdek plk kteowg nmpk ,

JUST , dpt nengok dlm kandang jerk ..

~~ HAHA .~~

Leh ah tunjuk taring ak nehh .. haha . BODOE tol .. XD

Seperti biase , ak titow lmbt arie nehh .. :D


I already told youu rightt , SPAIN will win this worldcup ..
~~haha . XD~~

Monday, July 12, 2010


I can't wait to watch the final worldcup at 2:30 a.m
Which team will win this worldcup ?
I guess Spain will win this worldcup . .

SWEETSundayy :DD

OHH My God ! ! What a tired day . . * hari neh ak rsew cm nk titow smpai sok pagy * . .
Yesterday , i watched a match who is ' GERMANY 3 VS URUGUAY 2' . .
* Actually , ak sokong URUGUAY , but , , the OCTOPUS said Germany will win that match . . So , just kene time kenyataan jerk laa . .
HuH , , jap jap , hari neh final worldcup an ? * neh mesti tengok , mesti nengok *
NETHERLAND VS SPAIN ? who will win this match , i guess SPAIN will win . . Go SPAIN Go SPAIN . . I always support youu :DD

SWEETSaturday :DD

Humhh , today i will outing wif my friends especially 'EZA' , 'SHA' and my sys's friend 'IZZAT AIDIL' . .
* Nikmati hari yg indah , time uh best gler * . .
- hilang sikit stress ak neh , eheh -
Banyak gak laa kteowg SNAP NAP SNAP pix , But i only put the pix that i think it's 'GORGEOUS' , 'AWESOME' and Whatever you thinking . . haha XD ~~
Anyway , that day make me happy * Tahap Gaban XD * . .
Sayang korang sangat sangat :DD

OHH , My Blog . . !

Hello , Mello , Bello . . Long time i didn't update my blog . . and yeah my blog totally DEAD . Haha . XD . .
Actually , i'm lazy to update it . . ~ HuHu ~ . .
Now , let' we start about an Ordinary Girl like me . .
All this while , many prob that i had * all about my friends * . . I think all my friends 'annoying' with me ? :'( * nape nan kowg semua nehh :'( * . .
I dunno what my fault ? . .
A big prob that i had now is , * sowg drpd classmate ak fitnah ak mcm2 * . . She said , i changed her friend -fb acc.- password . . !
Oh GOD . . * bak kate koe gak an BERANI kerana BENAR , TAKUT kerana SALAH ! * . .
I'm never afraid anything about this 'STUPID' prob . . * yee laa . . ak x thu lngsong P.W koe , ttibe jek tuduh @ syak ak yg tukar an P.W koe . .
' HELLO , ak x kebuloo sngt nan fb koe ponn laa , fb ak ponn x luak laa wehh . . !' . . HuH . .
* menyebab an citew bodoe neh dh trsebar laa konon , sesetengah 'CLASSMATE' ak pdg kerek @ len mcm kt ak . .
That time , only GOD know how i feel . . ak rse cm nk nangess :( . . tp ak thn jek laa . .
Well , i'm not like my sys . . She easy to cry ! We call her "Queen-Of-Crying" . . ~~ haha . ~~ . .
It's okay , kalaw smua owg x ske nan ak . . * lantak koe laa nk idop * . . Ak x rugi ape2 ponn :P . .

Friday, June 4, 2010

~ Let's checkitout this girl ~

I love being friend with EZZATIE a.k.a ZATIE ..
She is pretty , funny , nice , brilliant and have same brain like me ..
She know everything about me .. I can't separate from her damn much ..
i wish she is a guy , if she is a guy i'm very sure i will marry with her ..
But unfortunately she is not a guy , so i only can be her BEST FRIENDS FOREVER ..

Friday, May 21, 2010

~It was my first time i spend
my time around 3 days wif her~

O m g (!) it was my FIRST TIME i spend time wif her ...
it was during in CAMP last year (2009) ..
the picture was snap by Teacher Wan after we're already having lunch .. (semua muka penat) ...
anyway , you make my day happy laa ..
Thx dear